

Train The Trainer (TTT)

Trainer professionals will be different values when presenting training material. Business and regulatory demands also be a need for any trainer who has the best competence to help advance the business or company. We provide financial literacy to the participants with material that has been adapted to the provisions of the applicable national issued by the National Professional Certification Board (BNSP).

Assesor Competency Training

Assesor Competency is a person entitled to assess the competency, in accordance with the scope of the aseessment. Competency Assessor Training is a process of preparation for the Real Assessment of BNSP. Namely by giving instruction on how to set up a Competency Testing and Mechanical Testing Capabilities others

Investment Banking

  • Bonds & Fixed Income Instruments
  • Pre-IPO
  • Merger & Acquisitions
  • Tender offer

Training for OJK Licenses

  • Broker Dealer Representative (WPPE)
  • Underwriter Reprensentative (WPEE)
  • Investment Manager Representative (WMI)
  • Mutual Fund Sales Representative (WAPERD)